
How To Use Windows Mail

Windows 10 includes a new e-mail app that'southward dissimilar Windows Live Post or Outlook Express. Here is a basic guide to setting it upwards, using it, and getting information technology back up and running if information technology breaks.

While many of our 24-hour interval-to-day conversations are moving to real-time communications platforms such as Facebook, Slack, Twitter, and Snapchat, electronic mail remains an essential means of staying in touch with businesses, schools, organizations, and personal contacts. Certain aspects of e-mail that won't change, simply Microsoft has made an endeavor to brand the email feel more than efficient and intuitive with the Windows Mail app.

Windows Mail is unlike previous versions such as Windows Live Post or Outlook Express.  Instead, Post works more like a viewer that caches emails stored on a mail service server, similar to how the IMAP messaging protocol works.  In this commodity, I'll evidence you how the Postal service app works and how it tin can make your life easier. Whether you lot want to consolidate all your email accounts into a unmarried inbox, search your inbox for messages, send attachments or send messages to multiple contacts, Mail lets you do it with just a few mouse clicks. Let'southward take a await.

The Beginner's Guide to Windows Mail

Windows Post supports all the major webmail services out of the box such as Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo or iCloud. But you tin still prepare up your standard Pop and IMAP services, as well; such as those from your Internet access provider and enterprise messaging services such as Exchange. When you launch Postal service for the outset time, y'all are greeted past the Add an account interface. Click Add account to brainstorm.

You can choose from any of the major webmail services you use to download and view your emails. All you need to know is your email address and countersign. Sign in and expect while information technology downloads your contempo batch of messages. If your e-mail service or provider is not listed, Microsoft maintains a list of all the Popular and IMAP ports and protocols for supported e-mail services.

Hither is an case setting up in Windows Mail service. Enter your email accost and password and so click Adjacent.

Expect while the account is set up.

If you are using two-factor hallmark (which you should), setup will prompt y'all to approve the sign in using the Microsoft Authenticator app. Click Done to complete the setup.

During setup, you might be prompted to catechumen a local account into a Microsoft Account; this is optional. A Microsoft Account keeps your settings across devices in sync. Not all users want this choice though. If y'all don't, make sure you click the link, Simply sign in to this app.

Click your business relationship or Get to inbox.

Your e-mail messages should automatically be downloaded into the inbox folder. If not, see the troubleshooting section at the finish of this article.

To admission other folders in your business relationship, click the Folders tab. You tin likewise click the plus icon to create new folders.

Add Another Email Account

I'm certain just like me—you have several email accounts and you would like to consolidate all of them in 1 electronic mail customer. To add another address, click the Settings tab at the bottom left corner of the Windows Mail window and so click Manage accounts.

Click Add account.

Choose the other account yous would like to add.

Enter the accost and countersign.

To access your other business relationship, click the hamburger menu, and then click on the mailbox.

Change How Oftentimes New Email Messages Arrive

Users can manually check for new mail by clicking the Sync icon at the top of your inbox. You can also adjust how oftentimes new letters are retrieved.

Open the Settings interface, click Manage Accounts, click the email account then choose how ofttimes you want messages to exist synced. Click in the listing box and choose from every time an item arrives upward to every 60 minutes or manually.

Compose a New Message

Some users volition spend nearly of their time in Mail composing new messages. To start a new message, click the (+) plus sign or New Post bill of fare.

Windows Mail volition open the compose form inside its main window, just you can click the Open message in new window button if y'all need more room.

The outset step to sending an e-mail is to add a recipient. You can do that by typing the address in the To field or clicking the menu to open up the People app, from which you can choose a contact.

Choose the contacts you desire or merely type them in. If you desire to transport a copy of the same bulletin to someone else, click on the CC field then enter the address. If yous don't desire others to know to whom the message is being sent, activate the BCC field then enter their accost. If you prefer to type in your address, practice so and suggestions will be fabricated.

You lot can and so click on the body to starting time writing your message. Past default, your message is written in Rich Text Format. This lets you choose dissimilar font styles, size, assuming, italics, colour, bullets. Mail currently doesn't offering any options for plain text; your best option is to compose the bulletin then convert it using your WebMail service if the option is available.

Cheque Spelling and Grammer

If you make a mistake or would similar to check your grammar, you can admission proofing tools multiple means. To correct a word, right click it and then choose the correct discussion or click the Options tab then click Spelling.

Searching Your Inbox

If you are looking for a bulletin from a contact or specific content, you can do then by clicking in the search box at the tiptop of your Inbox. Enter your query, proper noun or subject area matter and Windows Mail service will search for available messages that run across your criteria.

Flag, Sort, Delete Messages

Keeping your inbox under control can become a total-time chore. To make information technology easy, Mail includes some basic functions that tin assist better manage your messages. If y'all just want to view unread messages, flagged messages, messages you are mentioned in, click the All carte then choose one of the available options. From the same menu, you lot can besides sort messages by engagement or proper noun.

You can majority delete messages, too, by toggling on the pick way menu, then check the boxes for the messages you would similar to delete or motility to a dissimilar binder.

Moving messages is easy too, subsequently selecting your emails, click the Move selected items to some other folder menu. A carte du jour will pop upwardly with a selection of folders or yous tin create a new 1.

Adding Attachments and Inserting Pictures

Sometimes we need to add non-text based content in our electronic mail messages such as a movie or an attached file. If you want to insert a motion-picture show in your message, click the Insert tab, click Picture, browse your figurer, select the image then click Insert.

Mail offers some basic editing options for images, too. Select the image; this will actuate a Picture contextual tab. You can choose options such as cropping, sizing or alternate text.

To insert an attachment in your message, click the Insert tab then choose whether you want to adhere a file or picture. To select more than one picture, hold down Control on your keyboard, then select more than one. Click Insert.

You can too browse to the folder in File Explorer containing your images, select them, and click the Share amuse under the Share tab.

Click Mail.

Choose your business relationship.

Review the images or files; click Delete if in that location is an item y'all don't want to send.

Open and Salve Attachments

Every now and then nosotros will receive attachments, too. If you want to open an zipper, it'southward very like shooting fish in a barrel. Right-click the individual attached detail, so cull either open or relieve, cull where y'all want to salve information technology.

Cull where you lot want to salvage the attachment, then click Save. Alternatively, you can click Save all attachments.

Troubleshooting Mail

Windows Mail is nonetheless a maturing app; this ways, in that location are occasions where you might see glitches or experience problems getting Mail. Here are some bones troubleshooting steps y'all tin can try when this happens.

Not Receiving Mail

If you are not seeing whatsoever new messages, endeavour manually syncing your inbox by clicking the Sync push. You can too check if your account is verified. This volition vary depending on the webmail service you lot are using. Launching your spider web browser and then signing into the electronic mail service tin can correct it. You tin also try deleting the account then calculation it again.

  • In Mail, click the Settings card represented by the cog icon at the bottom.
  • Click Manage accounts
  • Select your account
  • Click Delete this business relationship from this device.
  • Restart Post, then gear up your account again.

Windows Mail Refuses to Launch

If Windows Mail won't load, you tin can attempt restarting your reckoner, and then try launching once more. If this does not work, check the Microsoft Store for updates so try launching Postal service again. If the issue persists, effort resetting the app.

  • Open Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features
  • Ringlet downward to Mail
  • Select it
  • Click Advanced options
  • Click Reset
  • Restart
  • Bank check the Store for updates

Your Account is Out of Date

Signing the webmail version of your electronic mail service usually resolves this. Sometimes, this needs to be done periodically but for hallmark purposes.

Larn More Almost Mail service

Brian wrote a great series of articles about various functions in Mail you probable want to know. Brand certain you cheque them out.

  • Create Automatic Replies in Windows 10 Postal service App and
  • How to Modify the Windows 10 Mail App Default Signature
  • Change Windows ten Mail Background Image or Make it Bare
  • Make Windows ten Postal service App Sync More than Oftentimes
  • Add together Gmail and Other Email to Windows 10 Mail & Calendar (Updated)

That'southward a basic look at using Postal service. In hereafter articles, we'll look at some advanced steps similar migrating messages over from Outlook Limited, Post or Thunderbird to Windows Post. If there is something I missed out or you recall should be in this article, please share your thoughts in the comments.


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