I recently upgraded one of my computers to Windows 10 and setup a shared folder and then that I could hands transfer files from my MacBook Pro and Windows seven machines to Windows 10 over the dwelling network. I did a clean install of Windows ten, created a shared folder and attempted to connect to my shared binder from Bone X.

Unfortunately, I was not able to connect and it took me a fiddling fourth dimension to effigy information technology out. In this article, I'll walk you through the steps to connect to a shared binder on Windows x from OS X.

Step 1 – Configure Windows x for Sharing

Apparently, the get-go thing you'll demand to do is create a shared folder on Windows 10. Right-click on the folder, go to Properties and click on the Sharing tab. Go ahead and share the folder and set the permissions to whatsoever you desire in terms of access.

Shared folder

I suggest clicking on Advanced Sharing equally you have more fine-grain control over everything. Check the Share this folder box and and then requite the share a proper noun. Click on Permissions and and then add groups or users that yous want to give access.

If you want to arrive piece of cake and the folder doesn't have sensitive data, simply add together the Everyone grouping and requite them Full Control. This way, you'll be able to admission the folder from any computer or device without having to worry about inbound credentials.

The adjacent affair you need to practice is brand certain that File and Printer Sharing is turned on and allowed through the Windows Firewall in Windows x. Get to Control Panel and click on Windows Defender Firewall. Then click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall.

Windows firewall

Scroll down until you run across File and Printer Sharing and brand sure that it is checked for the Private network. Y'all may have to first click on the Change settings button at the summit earlier y'all tin can select a box.

File and printer sharing

Lastly, you can decide how you desire users to access the folder on Windows x. By default, when connecting from some other machine, you have to enter the username and password of an account that has admission to that shared folder on Windows 10. If you setup a Windows 10 user account without calculation a password, you won't be able to connect to the shared binder.

You'll first accept to add a password so you could connect. Notwithstanding, if you feel your dwelling house network is super secure, you tin always turn off password protected sharing, which means anyone can connect to the shared folder without having to type in a username or countersign.

Password protected sharing

You tin do that by going to Control Console, Network and Sharing Eye, Avant-garde sharing settings and and then expanding All Networks. Here you will see an option chosen Countersign protected sharing, which you can turn off. I personally keep it turned on, but if y'all actually detest having to type in a username and countersign to connect, this is an choice.

Likewise, if you use Windows ten without a password, this would salvage you from having to setup a countersign on your account. Note that even if y'all take a Windows account with a password, if you plow off countersign protected sharing, then people can still connect without typing any credentials.

Stride 2 – Connect to Windows Shared Folder from Bone X

Finally, on the Mac, open Finder and wait under the Shared section for the Windows 10 PC. If Shared is not in the sidebar, you lot have to add together it. With Finder open, click on Finder and then Preferences at the top. Click on Sidebar and check all the items under Shared.

Now go dorsum to Finder and expect till your computer shows upward. Annotation that it can take a petty while until the Windows ten PC shows up. If it doesn't prove upwardly after 5 minutes, endeavor restarting the PC once.

If your Windows PC refuses to show upwardly in the Shared devices listing in Finder, you can endeavor connecting manually using SMB. To do that, open Finder and click on Go and then Connect to Server.

At present type in the following as shown, replacing the IP accost below with the IP accost of your Windows 10 PC.


Click the Connect button and you'll be asked to blazon in credentials once again. If that is entered correctly, you'll be asked which volume you desire to mount.

If you're still not able to connect using SMB, so at that place is some issue on your Windows PC. Y'all have to make sure the firewall is configured properly.

One time information technology shows upwardly in the sidebar, go ahead and click on information technology. When you click on it, information technology will try to connect and you lot may get a message saying Connection Failed or Not Connected.

That'southward OK! That's where that password protected folder setting in Windows 10 comes into play. If it'southward turned on, you need to connect using the Windows 10 account credentials. Y'all tin can do that past clicking the Connect Equally push at the top correct.

Go alee and blazon in your credentials and then click OK. Note that if it'due south a Microsoft account yous have setup on Windows 10, you'll demand to blazon in the total email address and the aforementioned password that you use to login to your Microsoft account.

That's most it! Now you lot should see the Windows 10 shared folders in Finder on your Mac. If you lot have whatever questions about connecting to Windows 10 PC from a Mac, post a annotate here and I'll effort to help out. Savour!