
How To Block Killers Dead By Daylight App

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Pallets are interactive obstacles featured in Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.png .


  • 1 Usage
    • 1.1 States
    • 1.2 Breaking
    • 1.3 Blocking
    • 1.4 Pallet Stun
    • 1.5 Pallet Grab
  • 2 Locations
    • 2.1 Spawn Routine
  • 3 Interaction with Perks
    • 3.1 Survivor Perks
    • 3.2 Killer Perks
  • 4 Change Log
    • 4.1 Patch 4.2.0
    • 4.2 Patch 5.2.0
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 TL;DR



Pallets have two states: upright, and pulled down.

At the start of a Trial, all Pallets are in the upright position, meaning that both the Survivors and the Killer can pass through the area next to them without needing to interact with them.
Killers are unable to interact with Pallets in this state, but Survivors have the option to pull it down and create an obstacle for the Killer that can only be vaulted by the Survivors, which is similar to vaulting a Window IconHelp window.png.
The sole exception to this is The Legion IconHelpLoading legion.png, who can vault a dropped Pallet while using Feral Frenzy.

As of Patch 3.4.0, Survivors can reset dropped Pallets to the upright position by using Any Means Necessary IconPerks anyMeansNecessary.png.


The Killer cannot vault Pallets, but can choose to break and thus permanently destroy it by interacting with it (default: SPACE, R1, or RB), an action that takes 2.6 seconds .

Breaking a Pallet displays a short animation in which the Killer will destroy it either with their foot, their hand, or their Weapon.
This will momentarily obstruct their vision as the camera will tilt downwards until the Pallet is destroyed, giving the Survivor an opportunity to hide out of sight.
It also gives the Survivor the opportunity to easily blind the Killer with a Flashlight IconItems flashlight.png, as they are locked into the animation and cannot turn their head to try and evade the blind.

The Hillbilly and The Cannibal, both wielding Chainsaws, can alternatively choose to destroy a Pallet with them.
The Demogorgon, The Oni, The Blight, and The Nemesis may destroy a Pallet by using their Special Attacks.
The Blight can also use the Compound Thirty-Three FulliconAddon compoundThirtyThree.png Add-on by slamming a pallet to destroy it quick.
The Legion can destroy a pallet by vaulting it during Feral Frenzy, given that the Iridescent Button FulliconAddon iridescentButton.png Add-on is equipped.


Blocked upright Pallets cannot be pulled down by Survivors.
Upright Pallets can be blocked while using the Perk Hex: Blood Favour IconPerks hexBloodFavour.png.
The Blight can also use the Summoning Stone FulliconAddon summoningStone.png Add-on by hitting a Survivor with lethal rush to block a pallet within close range for a few seconds.

Pallet Stun

If a Killer is inside the area of a Pallet and a Survivor pulls it down, they will be pushed back and get stunned for 2 seconds , obstructing their vision as their camera tilts.
This will also award the Survivor a hefty amount of Bloodpoints in the Boldness category.

A Killer carrying a Survivor can be stunned by Pallets. If stunned while holding a Survivor, the Killer will drop the Survivor into the Injured State IconHelp injured.png, giving them time to escape.
This only happens when the Killer is able to move as the animation to pick up a Survivor cannot be cancelled.

Pallet Grab

A Survivor in the Injured State IconHelp injured.png can be grabbed by the Killer mid-vault and hoisted directly onto their shoulder by tapping the attack button (default: M1, R2, or RT), putting them instantly into the Dying State IconHelp dying.png upon a drop.


The location of a Pallet or a Pallet Cluster varies with the procedural Map generation and usually differs between two iterations of the same Map.

Spawn Routine

Pallets will spawn at least either 14, 16, 18 or 20 metres away from each other in predetermined spawn spots, with some exceptions on maps such as Midwich Elementary School.

Interaction with Perks

The following Perks interact with Pallets:

Survivor Perks

Alert Alert

Your acute senses are on high alert.

Whenever the Killer destroys a PalletFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallet|32px or a Breakable WallFile:IconHelp breakableDoors.png|link=Breakable Wall|32px, or damages a GeneratorFile:IconHelpLoading generators.png|link=Generator|32px, their AuraFile:IconHelp auras.png|link=Aura|32px is revealed to you for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">3</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">4</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">5</span> seconds'''.

Your acute senses are on high alert.

Whenever the Killer destroys a PalletIconHelp pullDown.png or a Breakable WallIconHelp breakableDoors.png, or damages a GeneratorIconHelpLoading generators.png, their AuraIconHelp auras.png is revealed to you for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds.

"I have true sight," — Min Feng

Any Means Necessary Any Means Necessary

You stand up for yourself, using whatever's on hand to gain an advantage.

You see the AurasFile:IconHelp auras.png|link=Auras|32px of dropped PalletsFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallets|32px.

Press and hold the ''Active Ability button'' for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">4 seconds</span>''' while standing beside a dropped Pallet to reset it to its upright position.

''Any Means Necessary'' has a cool-down of '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">100</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">80</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">60</span> seconds'''.

You stand up for yourself, using whatever's on hand to gain an advantage.

You see the AurasIconHelp auras.png of dropped PalletsIconHelp pullDown.png.
Press and hold the Active Ability button for 4 seconds while standing beside a dropped Pallet to reset it to its upright position.
Any Means Necessary has a cool-down of 100 / 80 / 60 seconds.

"I'll hit you with everything I've got. Then I'll do it again." — Yui Kimura

Lithe Lithe

After performing a '''rushed''' vault, break into a sprint of '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">150 %</span>''' of your normal Running Movement speed for a maximum of '''<span class="luaClr clr clr6" style="color: #ff8800;">3 seconds</span>'''.

''Lithe'' causes the '''''ExhaustedFile:IconStatusEffects exhausted.png|link=Exhausted|32px''''' '''Status Effect''' for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">60</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">50</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">40</span> seconds'''.

''Lithe'' cannot be used when '''''Exhausted'''''.

After performing a rushed vault, break into a sprint of 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for a maximum of 3 seconds .

Lithe causes the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted.png Status Effect for 60 / 50 / 40 seconds.
Lithe cannot be used when Exhausted .

"U mad?" — Min Feng

Power Struggle Power Struggle

You have never given up and you are not about to start now.

While being carried by The Killer, reaching '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">35</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">30</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">25</span> &#37;''' Wiggling progression activates ''Power Struggle'':
* You can drop a nearby, standing PalletFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallet|32px to stun the Killer and escape their grasp.
<p>''Power Struggle'' deactivates after triggering successfully.

You have never given up and you are not about to start now.

While being carried by The Killer, reaching 35 / 30 / 25 % Wiggling progression activates Power Struggle:

  • You can drop a nearby, standing PalletIconHelp pullDown.png to stun the Killer and escape their grasp.

Power Struggle deactivates after triggering successfully.
"I relied on others to protect me once and I lost everything. Never again." — Élodie Rakoto

Quick & Quiet Quick & Quiet

You do not make as much noise as others when quickly vaulting over obstacles or hiding in Lockers.
* '''Suppresses''' both the ''Loud Noise Notification'' and the sound effects triggered by rushing to vault WindowsFile:IconHelp window.png|link=Windows|32px, or rushing to enter or exit LockersFile:IconHelp lockers.png|link=Lockers|32px.
<p>''Quick & Quiet'' has a cool-down of '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">30</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">25</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">20</span> seconds'''.

You do not make as much noise as others when quickly vaulting over obstacles or hiding in Lockers.

  • Suppresses both the Loud Noise Notification and the sound effects triggered by rushing to vault WindowsIconHelp window.png, or rushing to enter or exit LockersIconHelp lockers.png.

Quick & Quiet has a cool-down of 30 / 25 / 20 seconds.

Smash Hit Smash Hit

When your rival makes a mistake, you seize the opportunity.

After stunning the Killer with a PalletFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallet|32px, break into a sprint at '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">150 %</span>''' of your normal Running Movement speed for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr6" style="color: #ff8800;">4 seconds</span>'''.

''Smash Hit'' causes the '''''ExhaustedFile:IconStatusEffects exhausted.png|link=Exhausted|32px''''' '''Status Effect''' for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">60</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">50</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">40</span> seconds'''.

''Smash Hit'' cannot be used when '''''Exhausted'''''.

When your rival makes a mistake, you seize the opportunity.

After stunning the Killer with a PalletIconHelp pullDown.png, break into a sprint at 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 4 seconds .
Smash Hit causes the ExhaustedIconStatusEffects exhausted.png Status Effect for 60 / 50 / 40 seconds.
Smash Hit cannot be used when Exhausted .

"I have dealt with psychopaths in suits. You're just uglier and worse dressed." — Yun-Jin Lee

Windows of Opportunity Windows of Opportunity

Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

The AurasFile:IconHelp auras.png|link=Auras|32px of Breakable WallsFile:IconHelp breakableDoors.png|link=Breakable Walls|32px, PalletsFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallets|32px, and WindowsFile:IconHelp window.png|link=Windows|32px are revealed to you within '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">24</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">28</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">32</span> metres'''.

Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

The AurasIconHelp auras.png of Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableDoors.png, PalletsIconHelp pullDown.png, and WindowsIconHelp window.png are revealed to you within 24 / 28 / 32 metres.

"Rise and shine, work hard, carve out your name,
Take aim, pull the trigger, hit the bulls eye for fame,
Know the value of faith, an' family, and don't you complain,
Open wide, your windows of opportunity" — Kate Denson's "Windows of Opportunity"

Killer Perks

Brutal Strength Brutal Strength

Your great strength allows you to shred through your prey's defences.
* '''Increases''' the Action speed of breaking PalletsFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallets|32px and Breakable WallsFile:IconHelp breakableDoors.png|link=Breakable Walls|32px, and damaging GeneratorsFile:IconHelpLoading generators.png|link=Generators|32px by '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">10</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">15</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">20</span> &#37;'''.

Your great strength allows you to shred through your prey's defences.

  • Increases the Action speed of breaking PalletsIconHelp pullDown.png and Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableDoors.png, and damaging GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generators.png by 10 / 15 / 20 %.

"It is more than muscles. A dark power motivates the beast."

Enduring Enduring

You are resilient to pain.
* '''Reduces'''''Pallet Stun'' duration by '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">40</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">45</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">50</span> &#37;'''.

You are resilient to pain.

  • Reduces Pallet Stun duration by 40 / 45 / 50 %.

"He stops at nothing."

Fire Up Fire Up

The increased pressure of losing your preys fills you with anger and gives you unsuspected motivation.

Each time a Generator is completed, ''Fire Up'' grows in power.
* Gain a stack-able '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">3</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">3.5</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">4</span> &#37;''' Action Speed bonus to picking-up and dropping Survivors, breaking PalletsFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallets|32px and Breakable WallsFile:IconHelp breakableDoors.png|link=Breakable Walls|32px, damaging GeneratorsFile:IconHelpLoading generators.png|link=Generators|32px, and vaulting WindowsFile:IconHelp window.png|link=Windows|32px, up to a maximum of '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">15</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">17.5</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">20</span> &#37;'''.

The increased pressure of losing your preys fills you with anger and gives you unsuspected motivation.

Each time a Generator is completed, Fire Up grows in power.

  • Gain a stack-able 3 / 3.5 / 4 % Action Speed bonus to picking-up and dropping Survivors, breaking PalletsIconHelp pullDown.png and Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableDoors.png, damaging GeneratorsIconHelpLoading generators.png, and vaulting WindowsIconHelp window.png, up to a maximum of 15 / 17.5 / 20 %.

"Now why don't you just fucking die?" — Freddy Krueger

Hex: Blood Favour Hex: Blood Favour

A Hex that gains the favour of The EntityFile:IconHelp entity.png|link=Entity|32px when blood is spilt.

Damaging a Survivor with either your ''Basic Attack'' or ''Special Attack'' prompts The Entity to hold all PalletsFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallets|32px within a radius of '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">24</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">28</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">32</span> metres''' from that Survivor's location in place for the next '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">15 seconds</span>''', preventing Survivors from pulling them down.

''The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex TotemFile:IconHelpLoading totem.png|link=Hex Totem|32px is standing.''

A Hex that gains the favour of The EntityIconHelp entity.png when blood is spilt.

Damaging a Survivor with either your Basic Attack or Special Attack prompts The Entity to hold all PalletsIconHelp pullDown.png within a radius of 24 / 28 / 32 metres from that Survivor's location in place for the next 15 seconds , preventing Survivors from pulling them down.
The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex TotemIconHelpLoading totem.png is standing.

"It would be no leap of the imagination to suggest that the Trials are a biological response of sorts." — Journal of Talbot Grimes

Nemesis Nemesis

You seek retribution on those who have wronged you.

Each time a SurvivorFile:IconHelpLoading survivor.png|link=Survivor|32px blinds you or stuns you using a PalletFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallet|32px or LockerFile:IconHelp lockers.png|link=Locker|32px, they become your new '''''ObsessionFile:IconHelp obsession.png|link=Obsession|32px''''':
* The Survivor suffers from the '''''ObliviousFile:IconStatusEffects oblivious.png|link=Oblivious|32px''''' '''Status Effect''' for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">40</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">50</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">60</span> seconds''' and their AuraFile:IconHelp auras.png|link=Aura|32px is revealed to you for '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">4 seconds</span>'''.
<p>''You can only be '''obsessed''' with one Survivor at a time.''

You seek retribution on those who have wronged you.

Each time a SurvivorIconHelpLoading survivor.png blinds you or stuns you using a PalletIconHelp pullDown.png or LockerIconHelp lockers.png, they become your new ObsessionIconHelp obsession.png :

  • The Survivor suffers from the ObliviousIconStatusEffects oblivious.png Status Effect for 40 / 50 / 60 seconds and their AuraIconHelp auras.png is revealed to you for 4 seconds .

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
"Only a fool would spit in a demon's face and declare victory." — Renjiro's Doctrine 4:9

Spirit Fury Spirit Fury

Each Pallet you break magnifies the wrath of The Entity.

After breaking '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">4</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">3</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">2</span> Pallets''', the next time you are stunned by a PalletFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallet|32px, The EntityFile:IconHelp entity.png|link=Entity|32px will instantly break it.
* You still suffer from the Stun penalty.

Each Pallet you break magnifies the wrath of The Entity.

After breaking 4 / 3 / 2 Pallets, the next time you are stunned by a PalletIconHelp pullDown.png, The EntityIconHelp entity.png will instantly break it.

  • You still suffer from the Stun penalty.

"Fury is her blood."

Zanshin Tactics Zanshin Tactics

Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

You are mentally alert and aware of key points on the battlefield.

The AurasFile:IconHelp auras.png|link=Auras|32px of Breakable WallsFile:IconHelp breakableDoors.png|link=Breakable Walls|32px, PalletsFile:IconHelp pullDown.png|link=Pallets|32px, and WindowsFile:IconHelp window.png|link=Windows|32px are revealed to you within '''<span class="luaClr clr clr2" style="color: #e8c252;">24</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr3" style="color: #199b1e;">28</span>'''/'''<span class="luaClr clr clr4" style="color: #ac3ee3;">32</span> metres'''.

Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.

You are mentally alert and aware of key points on the battlefield.
The AurasIconHelp auras.png of Breakable WallsIconHelp breakableDoors.png, PalletsIconHelp pullDown.png, and WindowsIconHelp window.png are revealed to you within 24 / 28 / 32 metres.

"Within your enemy's strength is weakness." — Renjiro's Doctrine 12:5

Change Log

Patch 4.2.0

  • Visually updated the Pallet model.

Patch 5.2.0

  • Visually updated the Pallet model.
  • Changed pallet hit boxes to prevent the killer from getting stunned when on the same side as the survivor dropping the pallet.


  • The stun condition is applied to the Killer once the Pallet has been pulled down about 50 % of the way, given they are in range.
  • Pallets are also known as "Pull-Downs"
  • In the Game files, internal references reveal that Pallets were originally supposed to be "Bookshelves" that the Survivors could throw down.


  • A bugged, completely upright Pull-Down


IconHelp tldr.png TL;DR of Pallets

Use: Blocking the Killer's pathway and stunning them when hit.
Interaction time: 2.6 seconds
Stun duration: 2 seconds
Spawn Restrictions: Must spawn either 14, 16, 18, or 20 metres apart

IconStatusEffects sleepPenalty.png Alarm Clocks IconPowers trap.png Bear Traps IconHelp breakableDoors.png Breakable Walls IconHelp cagesOfAtonement.png Cages of Atonement
Dbd-gameplay-crate.png Chests IconPerks spiesFromTheShadows.png Crows IconFavors murkyReagent.png Dark Mist IconHelp exitGates.png Exit Gates
IconHelpLoading generators.png Generators IconHelpLoading hatch.png Hatch IconHelpLoading hook.png Hooks IconHelp jigsawBoxes.png Jigsaw Boxes
IconHelp lockers.png Lockers IconFavors quarterMoonBouquet.png Moonlight IconHelp pullDown.png Pallets IconHelp poolsOfDevotion.png Pools of Devotion
Dbd-gameplay-crate.png Supply Cases IconHelpLoading totem.png Totems IconHelp window.png Windows QuestIcons glyph.png Glyphs
QuestIcons Halloween2020.png Visceral Cankers

How To Block Killers Dead By Daylight App


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